A message of solidarity with the Kanak people

Justice for Palestine is a human rights organisation working in Aotearoa to promote justice, peace and freedom for the Palestinian people. 

It is not our role to articulate what indigenous Kanak people are fighting for. Kanak people are the experts in their own lives and struggle, and they must be listened to on their own terms at this critical moment. 

Our work for Palestinian rights is, however, part of a larger struggle against settler-colonialism. It is our duty, honour and joy to make connections in this common struggle. These connections begin right here in Aotearoa, where  Māori never ceded sovereignty. As New Zealand’s current government, France and Israel all demonstrate, the dangerous ideologies of colonialism are not yet the footnotes in history we strive to make them. 

We recognise common injustices:

  • The failure of media to place the current uprising in the context of 150 years of history of French violence in Kanak
  • The characterisation of Kanak activists as terrorists all while a militarised foreign force represses them on their own land
  • The deliberate transfer of a settler population to disenfranchise indigenous people and their control over their own territory 
  • A refusal to engage with the righteous aspirations of the Kanak people 
  • The lack of support from Western governments around these aspirations 

In this recognition, Justice for Palestine wishes to express our sincere belief that a world without colonialism is not only necessary, it is near. With thanks to the steadfastness of not only Kanak, Māori and Palestinian people, and indigenous people everywhere. The struggle of the Kanak people is an inspiration and reminder that while we may face the brute power of empire, we are many, and we are not going anywhere. 

Justice for Palestine extends not only our solidarity, but our confidence. Now is the hour for Te Tiriti justice, and liberation for both the Kanak and Palestinian people.

Toitū Te Tiriti! Long live Kanaky! Long live Palestine! 

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